Monday, June 14, 2010

Reflection for Week 1

This is the first week of E7. Before this week, I was very about my E7, because some people told me that E7 is more difficult and academic. It is said that E7 is a litter bit like university courses. Though we all finished our education in the university in China, in Australia English is the major language that all of our courses are in English. E7 is focus on getting ready for the courses of the university in future.

It is the most difficult for me in English, especially in E7, because listening in E7 is about the academic lecture. The most important is that all of the questions are about the short answers and short sentences. The grammar and vocabulary must be very good. In the first time, I take the notes for the lecture. I always only catch the common things, and lose some details. Even if I can catch some details, I do not know which is the answer for the question.

It is another major problem for me in English, only because my vocabulary is not so good, and sometimes if there is a long sentence in the article, I always can not understand it. Teachers in E7 told us that we can use own dictionary. In E6, we make another dictionary. However I only have some Chinese explanations in it. I always forget what is the meaning of this difficult word. If I could remember them with some short sentences, it is much easier.

The problems of my writing are grammar and academic. When I was in E6, the teacher told me that I really must improve my grammar, and read more article news, because my essay is not so academic. Because of my poor vocabulary, sometimes I want to express my thought, but I do not know how to use this word. This week we began to write the critical response. I think the most important is to understand the article before.

Our speaking exam is oral presentation. This week we need to think about our topic. All of our topic must be together with English. Because of living in homestay, everyday I can talk with local people with some interesting things. We talk about the birthday party of their youngest daughter. The topic about this party is fringe. Everything must be about the fringe, clothes, food, gifts, and so on.

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