Monday, August 9, 2010

I am a visual learner

Today we have a paper exam to test which kind of people you are. I am really a visual learner. Before this test, I thought I was a visual learner. It is true!!! Sometimes I like to think about every thing with my eyes. I am very lazy, I do not like so many activities. If I have free time, I prefer stay at home alone, of course, with my computer.

I think visual learner means they attend to information more effectively when they watch the photos, pictures, TV, films, and so on. However, when sometimes I remember something, it is much easy for me to practice than to watch. This means I am not a totally visual learner. I need to find more comfortable method to study.

My goals and strategies in E7

This is my second E7, so my main goal is to pass the E7. There is the most important thing is that there is no CP in this E7. I need to get 70% in listening, writing, reading and speaking in the last result. For me , the biggest problem is listening. So I need to work harder on listening. However, I also have some problems on critical response, especially on logic. I always do not know how to write the logic.

-I want to have no difficult on academic reading about my major, accounting, after I going to the university.
I want to improve the speed on reading the newspaper and magazines.
-Improve my English grammar because I always have a lot of grammar mistakes, and if the grammar is not so good, people could not understand the long sentences.
Remember more and more vocabularies, only if people have enough words, they can understand the essay, especially for the academic words.
Read the English essays as many as you can.

This is a huge problem for me.
-I want to pass the E7 listening, and this my really thinking. (the first step)
I want to understand the lecture in the university.(the second step)
-Talk with the native speakers every day. Every night I will talk with my homestay about different topics.
In the free time, I need to listen to the English lectures everyday.
I need to go to ILC everyday, and practice my listening on line.
Sometimes I need to the radio such as BBC, BTN, and breaking news English.

We need to write the critical response in E7. Firstly, there is only one article, but secondly, we need to compare two articles.
-Understand how to write the critical response, and then pass the E7.
The critical response is good for us to study in the university. We need to practice more and more.
-The first thing to write a critical response is reading. People need to understand the article, and then writing.
The second thing is to improve the writing skills. It need people to practice more and more.
Finally , for me, logic is difficult. So I need to deeply understand the article.

-Be not nervous in oral presentation.
Talk with native speakers smoothly.
-Practice more and more in the free time.
Talk with the native speakers.

The first reflection

Today is my first E7 day. For me, it means I need to repeat E7 again. In last E7, I failed in listening. This is a very terrible thing for me in my life. Today I met many new classmates in this new class, and they come from different countries. We need to talk with each other by English which is a lingua franca. My teacher James is from Scotland, and I can not sound the differences between Scotland English and Australian English. He asked us to talk with each other more and more, and I have a small presentation this afternoon about the E7. There is a new grammar book in E7. Good!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This website shows a lot of NEWs which happened around us. The most important thing is that it is very academic and suitable for our overseas students.

This is website which shows many AU news. There are a lot of news videos. Students can listen many news.

This is a very good website to practice reading and listening. Sometimes it is very interesting.

This is a very useful website to learn English

breaking news english
There are a lot of practice such as listening, reading and writing on this website.
It is very good for E7 students.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everyone who can, should learn English?

People all over the world all know that learning English is very important, especially in China. It is said that English, driving and computer are the basic living technology in 21st. Maybe it is a litter bit exaggerating, but it is truth in China. If students want to graduate from university, they must pass some special English exams. If people want find a new job, though experiences are very important, English is another symbol of personal ability, even their new job do not need English.

I am learning English for about 13 years. My English is still not so good. If I do not go aboard to study, I do not need use English. Sometimes I think Chinese pay much more attention on English, however, there are so many students in China, not every student need to learn English. They can develop other non-English ability. Because If people spend many times on learning English, and after that they find they do not to use English. It is waste money and time.

However, I think some basic useful English must be learnt. It is useful for tourism and accidents. English is lingua franca all over the world. It is much easier for people themselves if they can speak some useful English.

Why English is a lingua franca of our time

English, which is a globalization language, is spoken by much more people all over the world. In this earth, Mandarin is spoken by the most person, however, English is much more widely. English is not only the mother language in some countries, it is still a second language or official language in much more countries. In this world, English speaking nations are the most powerful such as Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and so on. Even there are other powerful nations in the world such as China, Japan, German and France, they speak different languages.

English is the most popular language in the world. People all over the world will learn English when they are children, especially in China. It could promote the development of English language on the other side. English is easy to learn for European.

Because of the development of globalization, people need the common language to exchange with other people. English is the best language to be a lingua franca, because most wildly people speak it.